Impropolis – Solo

In my solo set ImproPolis, I alternate bass clarinet improvisations with brief narrations exploring my research on the intersection of improvisation and politics. Key themes include Martin Luther King Jr.’s improvised speech, Emperor Joseph II’s 1770 ban on improvisation, the Italian improvvisatori and improvvisatrici, and the contrast between improvised and written speech in Athenian democracy. […]

Red Flag – Solo

My latest solo set explores the intersection of music and left-wing politics, featuring improvised renditions of protest, battle, and folk songs by politically engaged artists such as Paul Robeson, Kurt Weill, and Frida Kahlo. The performance is accompanied by projected images and song lyrics, with verbal introductions for each piece to provide context.

Music and Short Stories – Solo

Solo Bass Clarinet – Music & Short Stories, drawing inspiration from Vivaldi, Wagner, Gershwin, Mahler, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, and Ellington. I performed this set in Sils-Maria (Switzerland), Cangas (Galicia), and at the Bimhuis in Amsterdam (Netherlands). Below is an introductory talk and one piece from my solo set at the Bimhuis on 18 May 2019, recorded […]